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Keeping Your Home Secure

We all want to protect our homes against intruders, and the wealth of smart security cameras on the market today makes doing so easy and affordable. The question is, are these devices worth installing? For the majority of households, the answer is a resounding yes. Is a smart security camera right for you? There are several factors to consider.

Check With Your HOA

Sometimes, HOAs limit the type of security cameras that can be installed in a neighbourhood, so that is the first thing to check when you’re considering smart security cameras. You may also need to contact the city, though if you are just setting up a security camera or two, this probably won’t be necessary. If, however, your camera will be connected to a comprehensive system, you may need permission.

Benefits of Smart Security Cameras

  • They’re an excellent crime deterrent. Numerous studies have shown that even the presence of a camera can deter criminals. Smart security cameras also help you monitor blind spots on your property so that you can make sure no person or animal is lurking in the shadows.
  • They let you check on your family. It’s helpful to be able to check in remotely, especially if you have an older relative or teenagers. Smart cameras make this easy to do. Some smart security cameras will even send you a push notification to let you know when someone is at the door.
  • They can be synced with your other smart home devices. The devices you use to automate your lights, thermostats, and so on can be connected to your smart security camera for complete control over your home environment.
  • Smart security cameras offer many additional perks. Often, they come with a built-in spotlight, which helps you navigate the yard after dark. If the camera doesn’t deter a burglar, you’ll have recorded footage of the incident. Security cameras also allow you to peek in on your pets while you’re away from home.

Drawbacks of Smart Security Cameras

The primary concern about installing security cameras is privacy. Smart cameras that send their footage to the cloud record things that are saved forever, so don’t put them in private spaces. Then, too, you can be liable if you are recording someone else’s property and they believe you’ve invaded their privacy. Even on your own property, if you record someone’s conversation without their knowledge, you could be breaking the law.

Smart Security Cameras as Part of Smart Home Automation

Cameras are just one component of smart home security. By integrating smart devices into your home, you can control not only security cameras, but alarms, doorbells, intercoms, and security lights, for complete home protection. Accurate Security can help you design the right smart home configuration for your home, offering various home automation options with state-of-the-art services across British Columbia.

Trust Accurate Security for Home and Business Security Solutions

Since 1968, Accurate Security has served homes and businesses in the Lower Mainland, and we’re the Greater Vancouver area’s premier choice for safety and security. One of the few family businesses left in the industry, Accurate Security was founded by Mark Oljaca and is now led by his son, Tony Oljaca. From our beginnings as a single locksmith store, we have expanded to seven different locations, offering a wide range of products and services beyond and including locksmithing. We also carry a full range of alarm systems, customized for your unique property, to boost the security of your home or business against burglary and vandalism. Our nearly 70 employees have vast knowledge and expertise, and we are committed to the safety and security of our customers. Providing a complete range of safety and security systems, various products, and state-of-the-art services, we provide prompt and professional services that ensure you never have to feel unsafe in your home or workplace again. For a free security screening or to learn more about all we have to offer, get in touch with our seasoned team by calling 604.777.3888 or contacting us through our website.