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Alarms & Surveillance for Homes & Businesses

For over five decades, Accurate Security has been the Lower Mainland’s go-to, trusted source for residential and commercial alarms and surveillance solutions. We carry a full range of alarm systems to boost the security of your home or business against burglary and vandalism. As an authorized dealer of Honeywell AlarmNet security systems and certified technicians for, we understand the ins and outs of all types of high-tech alarm systems. If you need a brand-new, customized security system, we’ve got you covered. After visiting your property to assess your security needs, a member of our team will design a security system to meet and exceed your unique needs. To learn more about this service, call or visit us today!




Residential and Commercial Security Systems in Vancouver,Canada

Residential & Commercial Security Reviews

With our residential and commercial security reviews, you can ensure the safety of your home or business easily and at an affordable price. The best part is, these reviews are entirely free! After our assessment, we will create a personalized quote that will include product and installation costs. You can count on us to quickly and efficiently assess your property and create a solution that covers all your security needs. With the help of our professionally-trained security experts, you will receive a thorough analysis of your property. Then, we will offer you a concrete solution to any security gaps. We have the products, expertise, and solutions to ensure unrivaled protection of your property, day and night.




Premier Locking Solutions You Can Rely On

Accurate Security offers premier locking solutions to those in the Lower Mainland and the surrounding areas. Our locks secure and protect your most-prized possessions, as well as spaces and people. We design our high-security locks to be resistant to compromise. Our locks feature restricted keyways, key control, manipulation resistance, forced-entry resistance, high-manufacturing tolerance, and more. We are also proud to offer installation and repair services for a wide range of high-security locks. Additionally, we provide retrofit services with older hardware when compatible. Call or visit one of our four locations today to see and discuss our high-security locks and what we can do for you.


Providing Security Solutions for the Greater Vancouver Since 1968