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Peruse Through Our Safe Showroom Today!

Accurate Security has been providing home and businessowners in the Lower Mainland with state-of-the-art safes since 1968. Our safes are of excellent calibre and are competitively-priced. Across the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley areas, you will find little compares. If you’re in the market for a safe that will securely store your most highly-prized possessions, visit one of our safe showrooms today. Our security professionals will work to help you find the safe that is the best value and perfect for you and your unique needs. Whether it’s a simple burglary safe, a fire-resistant safe, or even a custom-built safe – we have a reliable option for you.


Professional safe Delivery & Installation by Accurate Security Vancouver,Canada

Professional Safe Delivery & Installation

Accurate Security offers professional safe delivery and installation services in the Lower Mainland area. We can deliver your fire-resistant or custom-built safe to your home or business in a quick and efficient manner. You can choose to install your new safe yourself or allow our security professionals the pleasure of doing so for you. For your peace of mind, our technicians are all fully-licensed, -bonded and -insured. Typically, the installation will consist of bolting the safe to a floor or wall, depending on the type and size, as well as the type of surface. All our safes come with manuals and factory combinations, but we can help you with these as well. Please note that due to size limitations, we don’t carry all our safes in-store, but any model can be ordered and delivered in up to three weeks.

Safe Opening, Combination Change, & Repairs

Since 1968, we’ve been opening safes, changing their combinations, and repairing them in the Lower Mainland area. There’s almost no such thing as a safe we can’t fix. When you’re experiencing an issue with a safe, whether it’s an Accurate Security safe or not, we can help. Whatever the issue you’re experiencing, we would ask that you provide us with as much detail as possible regarding the problem. We might also ask you what kind of objects you need a safe for in order to get an idea of the optimal safe size. Take advantage of our professional safe opening today, as this is something only licensed locksmiths are allowed to do!

Providing Security Solutions for the Greater Vancouver Since 1968