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Accurate Security Precision Door Services

Accurate Security offers multiple types of door services to Vancouver, Canada. We have decades of experience providing door and locksmith services. Whether you need door installations, repairs, or maintenance, we’re the team for the job. We do all types of door services, from locksmith services to rekeying locks. Our team of door and locksmith professionals offers high-quality customer service and will make recommendations on your commercial and residential doors. Contact us today to learn more.

Door lock, keys and locksmithing tools in Vancouver, BC

Specialty Door Services

Accurate Security offers the best and most affordable door services for residential and commercial doors, including:

  • Rekeying & Re-Coding Locks – Our experienced technicians will rekey and re-code any of your locks without needing to change the actual lock. 
  • Door Closer Repair & Installation – We can install and repair any type of door closer, including surface-mounted door closers, overhead concealed door closers, and floor closers. 
  • Locks, Hardware Replacement & Install – Our professional locksmiths will install or repair any type of lock, taking the time to choose the perfect hardware replacement for lasting results.
  • Door Latch Repair Service – If your door latch isn’t working correctly, our technicians will quickly and efficiently repair the issue.
  • Automatic Door Service – We offer sliding and revolving automatic door services to ensure your safety and the reliability of your door.
  • Handicap Door Service – Our team is equipped to install and repair handicap doors.
Master Locksmith Services in Vancouver,Canada

Master Locksmith Services

Our master locksmith services cover all areas of your doors, from rekeying to key duplication. We offer 24-hour emergency assistance for home or business lockouts or break-in repairs. We began our company as a locksmith company that grew into a multi-location business. Our experienced team of door and locksmith masters will help you with all your door services.

Door Repair repairs in Vancouver,Canada

Door Repair Services

No matter the type of door, we can install and repair it. We work on lever handle locks, furniture locks, cam locks, and many more types of locks. Our experienced team has the best tools and the most qualified door products to repair your doors. We offer automatic door repair services and manual door services. We’ll ensure you feel safe and secure with your door repair services.

Why Choose Accurate Security?

Since 1968, Accurate Security has offered top-notch safety and security services in the Lower Mainland. We’re committed to the highest level of professionalism and state-of-the-art products. We’re here for you when you need any type of door product or service. With our extensive selection of products and services, our team helps make residential, commercial, and industrial security easy and reliable.

Contact Accurate Security for Door Services

Accurate Security offers a free security review at your property to determine the best types of door services and security needs. We have multiple stores to view our products and hear more about our services. Our expert professionals are fully trained, licensed, and insured for your peace of mind. We’re here for you when you need the highest quality door services in the Lower Mainland area. Visit our showroom or contact us for the free security screening of your home.

Providing Security Solutions for the Greater Vancouver Since 1968